Look at all of our customer's new peer reviewed research!
Thanks for making PRO Scientific a part of your valuable research. And remember, the DPS-20 Two-Step Homogenizing System can help you simplify your homogenization by combining mechanical AND utlrasonic homogenization into one time saving automate homogenizing system!
Our customers have been really busy!
Here is where PRO Homogenizers are being referenced this week, take a look...
Cartilage powder
· Cartilage powder was susepended in distilled water using a PRO260 homogenizer (new model PRO250C with digital speed control or PR025D)
Hippocampal tissue
· Tissues were homogenizes using a Bio-Gen PRO200 Homogenizer in a lysis buffer
Japanese medaka
· Tissues were homogenizes in TRI Reagent using a PRO200 homogenizer
Journal of Comparative Physiology
Mice brain
· The brains were then homogenized (using a PRO200 homogenizer) at 24,000 rpm for 2 min in ice-cold PBS
Mice cardiac tissue
· The samples were homogenized in TRI reagent...using a PRO200 homogenizer...to extraxt total RNA
Mice skeletal muscle
· 50mg gastocnemius muscle was dissected and homogenized in buffer....using a PRO200 homogenizer
· This research would have benefited from using a DPS-20 which first mechanically homogenizes the sample and then processes the same sample ultrasonically
Nature, Scientific Reports
SME micelles
· SME micelles were fabricated using a homogenization/sonication technique to determine the physiochemical properties
· This research would have benefited from using a DPS-20 which first mechanically homogenizes the sample and then processes the same sample ultrasonically