Thursday, December 10, 2015

Homogenization of creams, lotions, vegetable glycerin or some other viscous material

PRO Scientific deflector heads are specifically designed to enhance the homogenization of larger volume and higher viscosity materials such as creams, lotions, oils, gels and much more.  They are used regularly by cosmetic, nutrition, paint and oil companies.
PRO Deflector Head
The deflector head design creates vertical movement of heavy materials which would otherwise stand stagnant, and promotes increased flow on larger volume samples.
Deflector Head Sample Movement

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Friday, December 4, 2015

12/04/15 - PRO Scientific Homogenizers peer reviewed news

We are so proud to be a part of our customer's valuable research. 
We know how hard you work on your research and publications.  

Our customers have been really busy!
Here is where PRO Homogenizers are being referenced this week, take a look...

Freeze dried sprouts in acidified cold methanol
· SMCSO content was determined following a previous determined SOP  
· Two hundred grams of freeze-dried powder were extracted overnight in 30 ml acidified cold methanol
· After homogenization by a high-speed PRO Scientific Homogenizerssamples were incubated at
Liophylized sprouts
· 200 mg of the liophylized samples were extracted with 5 ml hot methanol 70 % for 5 min at
80 °C, 
· Homogenized using a high-speed PRO400 tissue homogenizer 
· Centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for 20 min using a Hettich centrifuge EBA20

    Tumor - Hepatocellular carcinoma 
    · Tissues harvested from experimental animals were homogenized with a handheld tissue homogenizer, Bio-Gen PRO200 in RIPA buffer

      Essential oils - water oil emulsions  
      ·  W/O (water/oil) emulsion was formed between organic solution with TDI oregano/sage oil and aqueous solution of 1% PVA tween 80 as a stabilizer. 
      · The emulsification was carried out at 6000 rpm for 30 min with PRO benchtop homogenizer 
      · Subsequently HDMI was added, the stirring speed was decreased to 600 rpm. 

        Friday, November 20, 2015

        11/20/15 - PRO Scientific Homogenizers peer reviewed news

        We are so proud to be a part of our customer's valuable research. 
        We know how hard you work on your research and publications.  

        Here is where PRO Homogenizers are being referenced this week, take a look...

        Mouse liver samples
        ·              Liver samples were homogenized in 300 μL ice-cold RIPA buffer (Pierce Biotech- nology) containing complete
        protease inhibitor cocktail tablets and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail tablets 
        ·              PRO Scientific Homogenizers
        Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 
        ·              PRO250 Homogenizer was used
        ·              Samples were also sonicated, making this an ideal application for the DPS-20 Two- Step Homogenizer, mechanically homogenizer and sonicate with one system

        Tuesday, November 17, 2015

        Do bead mills provide better cell lysis compared to rotor stator homogenizers?

        The short answer is no.

        Mechanical homogenizers are more than capable of providing the same level of cell lysis in a fraction of the time it takes a bead mill. 

        Most mechanical homogenizing is done in a matter of seconds with ZERO heat produced and you can continue on with your same tubes you are processing in, no need to buy special tubes and beads! 
        The same piece of PRO homogenizing equipment can homogenize both soft and hard tissue samples.

        For more info visit our website:

        Friday, November 13, 2015

        11/13/15 - PRO Scientific Homogenizers peer reviewed news

        We are so proud to be a part of our customer's valuable research. 

        We know how hard you work on your research and publications.  

        Here is where PRO Homogenizers are being referenced this week, take a look...

        Tissue samples

        Corneal buttons

        Thursday, November 12, 2015

        PRO200 Homogenizer - Through the ages.

        PRO200 / Bio-Gen PRO200

        The design and name of our most popular handheld unit has changed over the past 23 years but the quality and precision hasn't. 

        Take a look...

        Bio-Gen PRO200 Homogenizer


        • Tissue homogenizer / small sample hand homogenizer
        • Fits into 0.5ml, 1.5ml and 2ml microtubes
        • Small and powerful, 144 W
        • Ideal for processing within various tube sizes from 0.5ml to small beakers
        • Variable speed from 5,000 to 35,000 RPM
        • Separate ON/OFF switch 
        • Quiet
        • 2 Year Warranty
        • Generator probes and accessories sold separately 

      • Do you have an old PRO Homogenizer in your lab? Did you know it will still be compatible with all of our PRO Quick Connect Generator Probes?

        Tuesday, November 10, 2015

        Tissue Homogenizer Protocol

        PRO Scientific homogenizers are an important component of many tissue homogenizing protocols.


        PRO Scientific offers a range of powerful tissue homogenizers that are designed to handle a wide range of samples making them ideal for all your tissue homogenizing. 

         PRO Tissue Generator Probes Precision design for consistent results- These laboratory homogenizers are effective tissue grinders that provide consistent results

        Cold sample tissue homogenizing Protect your samples from heat 

        Tissue Homogenizer for Tubes Using a PRO Homogenizer for tissue homogenizing is easy and convenient - there are no special tubes or beads to buy - A range of tissue homogenizing setups are available depending upon your desired result and processing requirements 

        Multi-Gen 7XL Avoid Cross Contamination while homogenizing Frequent multi-sample homogenizing or the need to avoid cross-contamination between samples

        Tissue Homogenizer Applications Here are just some of the many tissue homogenizer protocols referencing use of a PRO Scientific Homogenizer:

          Learn more on our website:

          Need help selecting a homogenizer? 

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